Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Movie Morsel(Robin Hood)

Another successful Ridley Scott/Russell Crowe collaboration

Taste In My Mouth:

It was an enjoyable movie, but warning/spoiler alert, this is not your idyllic, childhood Robin Hood story. Yes, all the characters are the same, and the story outline is basically the same, this rendition isn't. From my "insider" knowledge, I know that the creative team behind the film did a lot of research to ensure that this film was as close to the original "stories" as possible.  That is what makes this movie storyline different from the classic Disney version, though the characters and scenarios remain the same.


Russell Crowe is very good in this movie, as has come to be accepted.  There is an aspect of believability about every different role he plays, very blue collar. He appears in his choice of roles, as well as his portrayal, as an every-man. Cate Blanchett does well, though I found her somewhat annoying, but I haven't yet decided whether that is her acting or her lack of acting well.  Newcomer Marc Streitenfeld did a very good job on the score.  His score does not follow the normal boring mold of so many action films these days, his music had heart.

Award-Winning Recipe?

Don't count on any of the big awards falling in this direction, but some smaller more "artsy" awards could foreseeably come to Sherwood Forest.


3.675 Bites, it was enjoyable but not terrific


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